INTEGRAL LOGO Internal INTEGRAL Science Workshop: Final Programme and on-line presentations

Tuesday, 18 January 2005
Session 1: INTEGRAL payload and ISDC: overview, performance and current status
Speaker Title
J.-P. Roques SPI: status, scientific performance, calibration
F. Lebrun IBIS: status, scientific performance, calibration
N. Lund JEM-X: status, scientific performance, calibration
M. Mas-Hesse OMC: status, scientific performance, calibration
P. Kretschmar / R. Walter ISDC: OSA and archive status
R. Walter Cleaning of INTEGRAL images
P. Laurent IBIS as an all-sky instrument: imaging and spectroscopic capabilities
M. Forot The IBIS Compton mode imaging software
P. Lubinsky Methods for extraction ISGRI spectra - review
L. Foschini PICsIT data analysis
M. Denis IBIS mass model web service
P. Lubinsky INTEGRAL cross-calibration, status for OSA 4.2
S. Brandt Bursts observed with JEM-X - reconstructing light curves
Session 2: Surveys and unidentified sources
Speaker Title
A. Bird The ISGRI survey: latest status and results
M. Dadina Searching for EGRET unidentified sources counterparts
R. Walter Absorbed sources
A. Dean Global characteristics of the first IBIS-ISGRI catalogue
L. Bouchet SPI survey
S. Grebenev New X-ray sources and recurrent transients detected with INTEGRAL during long-term observations of the Galactic Center field
N. Westergaard A JEM-X survey based on standard software
P. Durouchoux Multiwavelength observations of new INTEGRAL sources
N. Gehrels SWIFT status and first results
Session 3: Interstellar continuum emission
Speaker Title
A.  Strong Spectra and imaging of continuum emission from the Galactic Ridge with SPI
L. Bouchet SPI/INTEGRAL measurement of the central radian continuum emission
R. Terrier Non-thermal emission from supernova remnants observed by INTEGRAL
Wednesday, 19 January 2005
Session 4: Nucleosynthesis and gamma-ray lines spectroscopy
Speaker Title
P. Jean Spectral analysis of the e+e- annihilation emission observed with SPI
E. Churazov 511 keV line measurements with SPI
J. Knödlseder The all-sky distribution of 511 keV annihilation line emission
P. Sizun Background and imaging studies for the GC annihilation line
G. Weidenspointner Positronium continuum analysis
H. Halloin Positronium from the Galactic Ridge
P. Connell Diffuse and point source imaging of line emission with SPIROS
R. Diehl INTEGRAL/SPI and 26Al in the Galaxy
K. Kretschmer Line spectroscopy from 26Al source regions
S. Schanne Search for 26Al in the Vela region with INTEGRAL/SPI
N. Mowlavi Status of 26Al search from GammaVelorum
M. Harris Towards a measurement of the galactic 60Fe lines with SPI
J. Vink The 44Ti emission from Cassiopeia A
M. Renaud ISGRI Search for 44Ti in the Vela and the Galactic Center regions
A. von Kienlin SPI Search for 44Ti sources, Vela Jr.
M. Renaud INTEGRAL observations of Tycho
E. Kalemci INTEGRAL observations of SN 1006
Session 5: Binaries, neutron stars, black holes, pulsars
Speaker Title
O. Vilhu The jet-sources Cygnus X-3 and GRS 1915+105
S. Martinez Cygnus X-3 INTEGRAL observations: understanding the high-energy nature of the system
A. Joinet State transition and flaring activity of H1743-322 with SPI
M. Cadolle Bell The broad-band spectrum of Cygnus X-1 as measured by INTEGRAL
S. Larsson Timing analysis of Cyg X-1
M. Revnivtsev Broadband X-ray spectrum of XTE J1550-564 during the outburst of 2003
S. Grebenev Spectral variability of GX339-4 observed with INTEGRAL
A. Goldwurm The INTEGRAL view of the Galactic Center
Thursday, 20 January 2005
Session 5 (continued): Binaries, neutron stars, black holes, pulsars
Speaker Title
A. Orr INTEGRAL observations of the high mass X-ray binary 4U 1700-377
P. Blay The nature of the HMXRB system 4U2206+54 from INTEGRAL and VLA
J. Wilms Monitoring accreting pulsating neutron stars with INTEGRAL
A. Lutovinov High-mass X-ray binaries in the inner region of the Galaxy
I. Kreykenbohm INTEGRAL observations of V0332+53 in outburst
A. Santangelo An INTEGRAL observation of the September 04 outburst of X0115+63
T. Bulik Gamma-ray tomography of a supergiant in the eclipsing binary OAO 1657-415
I. Kreykenbohm GX 301-2 observed by INTEGRAL
L. Sidoli INTEGRAL view of the HMXRB pulsar SAX 2103.5+4545
C. Ferrigno INTEGRAL observations of GX 1+4
M. Falanga INTEGRAL observations of two ms pulsars in outburst: XTEJ 1807-294 and IGR J00291+5934
M. Cocchi INTEGRAL's X-ray bursters
A. Tarana INTEGRAL observation of the LMXB 4U 1812-12 in the gamma-ray domain
P. Goldoni Hard X-ray properties of Sco X-1
A. Paizis Resolving the hard X-ray emission of GX 5-1 with INTEGRAL
R. Farinelli Two years of INTEGRAL Core Program observations of the bright bursting LMXB GX 3+1: discovery of a variable non-thermal Comptonization component
A. Lutovinov X-ray pulsars observed with INTEGRAL
V. Simon Observations of cataclysmic variables with INTEGRAL
V. Simon INTEGRAL OMC analysis of the symbiotic star RS Oph
M. Revnivtsev Broadband spectra of magnetic white dwarfs  - clue for accurate measurements of the WD masses
F. Capitanio Temporal and spectral evolution of the INTEGRAL source: IGR 17091-3624
P. Den Hartog INTEGRAL's view on the AXPs and binaries in the Cassiopeia region
L. Kuiper Hard tails in the spectra of AXPs at soft gamma-rays
D. Goetz The Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1806-20 as seen by INTEGRAL
M. Finger Pulsar wind nebula detected with IBIS
M. Forot INTEGRAL observations of PSR B1509-58 during 2003-2004
P. Dubath SPI phase resolved spectroscopy of the Crab pulsar
A. Segreto Crab pulsar: phase-resolved spectral analysis
Friday, 21 January 2005
Session 6: Active galactic nuclei
Speaker Title
S. Soldi INTEGRAL and BeppoSAX comparison for Circinus Galaxy and other AGNs
V. Beckmann The high-energy spectrum of NGC 4151
R. Hudec INTEGRAL and blazars
N. Lund Studying extended sources with JEM-X
M. Revnitsev Hard X-ray view of the past activity of Sgr A* in a natural Compton mirror
Session 7: Gamma-ray bursts and solar flare gamma-rays
Speaker Title
S. Mereghetti Two years of GRB localizations with IBAS
M. Denis GRB 030406: off-axis IBIS detection, localisation and spectral analysis
S. Sazonov GRB 031203 and a faint population of GRBs
J. Kiener Nuclear line emission of the October 28, 2003 flare with SPI/INTEGRAL