Software Release Note for ISOC version 14.1

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Paul Balm []
Date: 24-01-2007
Summary: Prototype of scheduling status web-page (and required file-logging), database clean-up


System name ID Version
ISOC Core System (PHS, OSS and CSS) core 12.1 (new)
ISOC Database DB 7.1 (new)
ISOC FD Server application fdserver 1.12
ISOC Web web 5.0 (new)
Proposal Generation Tool PGT 5.1 (new)
Proposal Receiver PRV 3.0
Proposal Loader PLD 4.5
Mailer Daemon MLR 3.0
Push Pull Daemon PPD 2.0 (new)
ISOC Observing Time Estimator ote 5.0
ISOC Target Visibility Predictor TVP 4.1

External dependencies:

System name ID Version
Integral File Transfer System IFTS 2.0
Flight Dynamics Software FDS 2.2i
Database of Observable Bins DBOB 88
Optical Monitoring Camera Pointing Software OMC 3.7
OMC Source Catalogue OMC_CAT 5
ED Viewer IODB 30.05.06

Fixed SPRs in core v12.1:


SPR 810 The first time a custom pointings file would be imported on a newly created proposal, the pointings would not actually make it into the database. On a second try it worked. This has now been fixed to work the first time also.

Implemented SCRs in core v12.1:


SCR 593 From version 14.0 on, the Proposal Edit screen shows a status panel, indicating which pointings have been scheduled. If in the list of scheduled pointings a gap was found, this would be indicated too. It now also shows the number of gaps found in the sequence of scheduled points.


SCR 575 Already from release 14.0, OSS would indicate with exclamation signs in the Observation Selection screen, that an observation does not use current defaults for one or more parameters or TM allocations. The presentation of this fact (the exclamation signs) has now been changed to be more robust to future code changes, more elegant and much prettier to look at. :-)
SCR 589 A standard 5x5 switches to an end pattern (for a 5x5 defined to be a 3x3), if it cannot complete a full pattern anymore. The definition of a full pattern used to be the 5x5 pattern back AND forth, and has now been changed to be the 5x5, once. That means that if there is approved time left for at least 25 points, we will not (yet) switch to the end pattern, anymore.

Implemented SCRs in web v5.0:

SCR 375 A prototype of the schedule status overview (showing PSF's received and imported, POS's generated and sent, and so on), has been included in this release. From the installation (on the operational system) of this release on, we will start accumulating history and the data for this page will become available. Users should try the current version of the page, and provide comments. A production version will be released in the next ISOC system release. (developer report)

Implemented SCRs in PGT v5.1:

SCR 584 On Mac, when running PGT, it will show the class name of the class containing the main function in the title bar. The class name includes the entire package hierarchy, and looks ugly. For this reason, the PGT class (containing the main function and nothing else), was moved to the unnamed package. On Mac, now just "PGT" will be shown.