Developer's notes for SCR 375 Marnix Bindels, January 18 2007 The web-app offers 2 new pages to implement the "Overview of files used for the planning of a revolution", a very simple overview of all current revolutions on one page and a per revolution details on the other page. The overview page looks like a panel of indicator lights which can be off, yellow, green or red. off: nothing to report, green: all's well, yellow: ISOC has work to do, red: something out of the ordinary The overview shows a row of indicators for each revolution, one for each type of files: PSF, POS, TSF and ECS. The color of each light is determined as follows: ECS: is ECS Imported? - Yes: GREEN - No: is ECS Received? - Yes: YELLOW - No: OFF TSF: is ECSReceived? - Yes: GREEN - No: is TSF Received for Last POS Generated? - Yes: GREEN - No: is TSF Received for Last POS Sent? - Yes: YELLOW - No: is POS Generated? - Yes: RED - No: OFF POS: is POS Sent for Last POS Generated? - Yes: last POS Generated Uses Last PSF Received? - Yes: GREEN - No: RED - No: is POS Sent (at all)? - Yes: YELLOW - No: is POS Generated (at all)? - Yes: RED - No: is PSF Imported? - Yes: YELLOW - No: OFF PSF: is PSF Received? - No: OFF - No: is Last PSF Imported? - Yes: GREEN -No: YELLOW The database has been updated to version 7.1, introducing the REVOLUTIONFILE table. The RevolutionStatus class combines information from this new table and in the RevolutionSchedule and Exp tables to provide answers to the questions above. The PushPullDaemon (PPD) has been extended to insert records into the REVOLUTIONFILE table upon receipt of PSF, TSF and ECS files. The nl.esa.estec.isoc.system.PushPullDaemonFileEventLogger class serves as the PPD's entry (see scripts/ppd/ which will be available from isoc-core. OSS has been adapted to insert references to POS files, once those have been generated, as well as to remove references to PSF files when those are rejected. "That's All Folks!" - BB.