Software Release Note for ISOC version 12.2

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Paul Balm []
Date: 06-03-2006
Summary: Release ready for AO-4 proposal submission period


System name ID Version
ISOC Core System (PHS, OSS and CSS) core 11.8 (new)
ISOC Database DB 6.2 (new)
ISOC FD Server application fdserver 1.3 (new)
ISOC Web web 2.5
Proposal Generation Tool PGT 4.0.4 (new)
Proposal Receiver PRV 2.0.0
Proposal Loader PLD 4.1.0 (new)
Mailer Daemon MLR 2.0.0
Push Pull Daemon PPD 1.3 (new)
ISOC Observing Time Estimator ote 4.2 (new)
ISOC Target Visibility Predictor TVP 4.0 (new)

External dependencies:

System name ID Version
Integral File Transfer System IFTS 2.0
Flight Dynamics Software FDS 2.2i
Database of Observable Bins DBOB 76
Optical Monitoring Camera Pointing Software OMC 3.7
OMC Source Catalogue OMC_CAT 5 (new)
ED Viewer IODB 11.01.06

Fixed SPRs in core v11.8:


SPR 727 The abstract of a proposal is not editable in PHS. If a proposal is created from PHS, no abstract is added to it. It can then never be saved properly. The current implementation is to allow editing of the abstract, but a more refined implementation is planned and therefore this SPR will be kept open. (developer report)
SPR 739 The Observation details in PHS, such as the fixed-time flag, the start and end time for fixed-time observations, etc. are not enabled at the correct points in time. This version reinstates the GUI rules as they were before v. 12.1.
SPR 743 Due to an error in the table storing the source list attached to Key Programme subscriptions, the subscriptions could not be viewed from PHS. The error was fixed.
SPR 744 The printing module in PHS assumes that there are observations attached to a proposal (i.e. a record in the proposal table). For Key Programme subscriptions this is not the case and therefore printing a subscription would fail. After fixing this SPR, printing of subscriptions works exactly as printing of proposals, the only difference being that there are no observations attached to a subscription. Note that the source list of a subscription is not printed. This will be implemented as part of Screw 519.


SPR 740 The PSF import was failing if instrument stop commands appear inside a (recommended) hand-over window. This has been fixed.


SPR 732 The perigee exit and entry information was incorrect: For some revolutions Starmap was showing no valid perigee and/or exit zones at all. This has been fixed for the revolutions for which we have ORBIT data. The Flight Dynamics Server in this version will return sky bins based on ORBIT data if available, and DBOB data otherwise. Strictly speaking, the DBOB data indicates the entire sky as being invalid for perigee exit/entry. Therefore, if no ORBIT data is available, no valid perigee exit/entry zones can be indicated. Note that this does not affect scheduling in any way, because the scheduling does not use the (10x10) sky bins. (developer report)

Fixed SPRs in fdserver v1.3:

SPR 709 See comment below these release notes. Due to improvements in the production of the SkyMaps, OSS as now able to retrieve them for any revolution for which we have DBOB data. This allows viewing of old revolutions again.
SPR 732 The improvement described under the comments fixes the problem that Starmap was not showing any valid perigee exit/entry zones. (developer report)

Fixed SPRs in PGT v4.0.4:

SPR 737 The fields that allow the user to enter a preferred orientation of the spacecraft during his observation have been removed.
SPR 742 The problems reported during the user-testing period (week 7, 2006) have been fixed.

Implemented SCRs in PGT v4.0.4:

SCR 526 From PGT, a user can submit his proposal, make updates, and resubmit using the same proposal ID. However, if he switches the 'Associate with Key Programme' checkbox, the same ID cannot be reused, because the third digit of the proposal ID should change from 2 to 3 or vice versa. A user is now presented with a clear error message and a suggestion on how to fix the problem.
SCR 532 The issues that came up during the user testing period and that were considered new functionality have been implemented under this screw.

Fixed SPRs in PLD v4.1.0:

SPR 741 Due to a database interfacing problem (not sticking to the same DB session in Hibernate), the resubmission (update with PGT) of a normal proposal would fail. This has been fixed.

Implemented SCRs in PLD v4.1.0:

SCR 519 The PLD is now fully capable of insertion into the database of all data related to Key Programme subscriptions.
SCR 531 Resubmission (updating) of a proposal with PGT is only allowed if the so-called address data doesn't change. The address data is composed of the PI's last name, e-mail and country. If the resubmit fails because the address data was changed since the last submit, the PI will now be sent a clear e-mail message informing him of the problem.

Implemented SCRs in ote v4.2:

SCR 534 A catalogue including names is consulted and possible conflicts are displayed using both cooredinates and the source's name. Dev note: the bright source catalogue is read from a FITS file containing at least the columns NAME, RA and DEC.
SCR 530 OTE output in consistent units.Exposure times are displayed in kiloseconds, using scientific notation.
SCR 529 OTE coordinates in decimal and sexagesimal
SCR 528 OTE user testing issues

Fixed SPRs in TVP v4.0:

SPR 670 The parsing of input coordinates has been made more robust and more clear when an error occurs. It has been moved to a library, so that this code is now shared by OTE.
SPR 734 TVP can be run from the command line.

Implemented SCRs in TVP v4.0:

SCR 435 See SPR 670: Parsing of input coordinates has been improved.