Author: | Paul Balm [] |
Date: | 05-03-2007 |
Summary: | Ready for AO-5. Ready for new PSF ICD v. 2.7. |
System name | ID | Version |
ISOC Core System (PHS, OSS and CSS) | core | 12.4 (new) |
ISOC Database | DB | 7.3 (new) |
ISOC FD Server application | fdserver | 2.1 (new) |
ISOC Web | web | 5.3 (new) |
Proposal Generation Tool | PGT | 5.4 (new) |
Proposal Receiver | PRV | 5.0 |
Proposal Loader | PLD | 5.0 |
Mailer Daemon | MLR | 5.0 |
Push Pull Daemon | PPD | 2.0 |
ISOC Observing Time Estimator | ote | 5.2 (new) |
ISOC Target Visibility Predictor | TVP | 4.1 |
External dependencies:
System name | ID | Version |
Integral File Transfer System | IFTS | 2.0 |
Flight Dynamics Software | FDS | 2.2i |
Database of Observable Bins | DBOB | 88 |
Optical Monitoring Camera Pointing Software | OMC | 3.7 |
OMC Source Catalogue | OMC_CAT | 5 |
ED Viewer | IODB | 20.02.07 (new) |
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SPR 813 | Proposal editing in PHS can be blocked by either CCS or OSS. However, when blocked, it would always say 'blocked by OSS'. The error message has now been improved to reflect the actual data in the database lock. |
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SPR 814 | It was not possible to edit the source names of Validated observations. This means that before the TAC process, the source name can't be edited. It was decided in the CCB to make all source fields editable. During the implementation, and after some additional discussion with the scientists, it was decided to leave the energy band and/or line energy and width blocked for editing, because these are not straightforward fields to enable. |
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SPR 818 | The proposal edit screen in PHS shows a button "Update approved". This is intended to update the approved time, according to the sum of the individual dwell-times of the points of a newly imported custom pointings pattern. It can also be used for GPS observations, to set the approved time according to the specified start- and end-points. For other types of patterns or observations, it has no meaning and it should be disabled. This has now been made so. |
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SPR 803 | The statistic and summary directories (and links to them, such as planning_plots) have been cleaned up, and will from now on be populated according to the newly agreed scheme. (Note April 2007: SPR kept open until core 12.5, because SUM files should not be saved anymore.) (developer report) |
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SPR 821 | The POS Sent date and time was stored in the database as local time, where GMT was expected. This was causing this time to show up incorrectly on the web (on the private scheduling status pages). This has been fixed. |
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SCR 594 | The Reset Values functionality in PHS was intended to be able to reset the attributes of an observation and "some of its instrument parameters" back to default values. This is currently not being used anymore, and has therefore been removed. |
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SCR 563 | When importing a PSF for a revolution, this revolution is automatically unscheduled. When manually unscheduling a revolution (from OSS), if later revolutions are still scheduled, a warning is given that it is advisable to unschedule revolutions in reverse order. This warning is now also given in the case of automatic unscheduling due to a PSF import (if later revolutions are still scheduled). |
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SCR 581 | The PSF ICD has been updated to include the new keywords HO_PERIOD_START/STOP. The HO_PERIOD is the period in which ISOC is allowed to schedule groundstation hand-overs. This period used to marked with OVERLAP_START/STOP, but the overlap window also has the physical meaning of "being visible from more than one ground-station". The allowed period for hand-overs is not always the same as the period in which you have visibility from both ground-stations, because a ground-station may have a maintenance outage, for example. |
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SCR 594 | The Reset Values functionality was removed from the PROPOSAL package. |
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SPR 811 | The look-up of the error message in the ISOC code, based on the error code returned by the Flight Dynamics code, did not always work correctly. This would lead e.g. to a message from the system "FD error, return code 6: Unregistered return code.", whereas the documentation does actually list that as a valid return code. This has been fixed. |
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SPR 820 | OTE's HTML output for a bright source warning has been enhanced to sport a link to SIMBAD's details for the bright source. |