Software Release Note for ISOC version 14.2

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Paul Balm []
Date: 25-01-2007
Summary: Fix of SPR 812


System name ID Version
ISOC Core System (PHS, OSS and CSS) core 12.2 (new)
ISOC Database DB 7.1
ISOC FD Server application fdserver 1.13 (new)
ISOC Web web 5.0
Proposal Generation Tool PGT 5.1
Proposal Receiver PRV 3.0
Proposal Loader PLD 4.5
Mailer Daemon MLR 3.0
Push Pull Daemon PPD 2.0
ISOC Observing Time Estimator ote 5.0
ISOC Target Visibility Predictor TVP 4.1

External dependencies:

System name ID Version
Integral File Transfer System IFTS 2.0
Flight Dynamics Software FDS 2.2i
Database of Observable Bins DBOB 88
Optical Monitoring Camera Pointing Software OMC 3.7
OMC Source Catalogue OMC_CAT 5
ED Viewer IODB 30.05.06

Fixed SPRs in core v12.2:


SPR 812 Since version 14.0, a bug was introduced causing in some cases a mix-up of roll angle and position angle. For revolution 524 this would cause the perigee entry check to fail, due to a corrupt perigee entry for revolution 525 (incorrectly interpreted from the PSF).

Fixed SPRs in fdserver v1.13:

SPR 812 Since version 14.0, a bug was introduced causing in some cases a mix-up of roll angle and position angle. For revolution 524 this would cause the perigee entry check to fail, due to a corrupt perigee entry for revolution 525 (incorrectly interpreted from the PSF).