Software Release Note for ISOC version 13.1

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Marnix Bindels []
Date: 03-10-2006
Summary: Update to enable scheduling of Key Programme


System name ID Version
ISOC Core System (PHS, OSS and CSS) core 11.17 (new)
ISOC Database DB 6.8 (new)
ISOC FD Server application fdserver 1.11 (new)
ISOC Web web 4.1
Proposal Generation Tool PGT 4.3 (new)
Proposal Receiver PRV 2.0.0
Proposal Loader PLD 4.3
Mailer Daemon MLR 2.2
Push Pull Daemon PPD 1.3
ISOC Observing Time Estimator ote 4.2
ISOC Target Visibility Predictor TVP 4.1

External dependencies:

System name ID Version
Integral File Transfer System IFTS 2.0
Flight Dynamics Software FDS 2.2i
Database of Observable Bins DBOB 88
Optical Monitoring Camera Pointing Software OMC 3.7
OMC Source Catalogue OMC_CAT 5
ED Viewer IODB 30.05.06

Fixed SPRs in core v11.17:


SPR 784 Corrected problem that caused a 'DataSet not open' exception when changing an intrument's mode.
SPR 788 When any of a KP subscription's sources is left in 'Validated' state while composing an approved message from PHS, a warning is shown at the bottom of the screen. Furthermore, such a source is no longer listed as 'Approved'.


SPR 793 The amount of scheduled time related to the Key Programme(s) is now separately listed in the statics file.

Implemented SCRs in core v11.17:


SCR 572 The revolution planning plots generated to be displayed on the the scheduling web pages have been improved by adding a visual cue for the galactic centre and axis labels for RA and Dec.

Fixed SPRs in DB v6.8:

SPR 795 The web displays rev 262 data according to pos version 6, whereas pos version 7 was executed. The solution to 262 is twofold: the web app should take ECS info into account and the db should record that version 7 was sent on december 5, 2004. Setting the possent date accordingly.

Implemented SCRs in DB v6.8:

SCR 568 PGT Key Programme Changes required a proposal type for 'KP Suggestions' and a 'Custom Dither' pattern.