Software Release Note for core version 11.14.2

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Paul Balm []
Date: 06-07-2006
Summary: Screw 567: Non-observational constraints on slew windows


System name ID Version
ISOC Database DB 6.5

Implemented SCRs:


SCR 567 Before scheduling a slew, we validate that the from- and to-pointings of a slew are valid throughout the window in which the slew can take place. These validation means checking that both pointings are visible throughout the window. From this release on, this visibility check is performed with non-observational constraints, which allows eclipses. The effect is that between exposures, an eclipse is allowed to happen. A SOPS window in the PSF is required to introduce a gap in the slew window. This will prevent the slew from being scheduled during the eclipse.