Software Release Note for ISOC version 41.0

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Emilio Salazar []
Date: 25-05-2016
Summary: Several SCREWs for Eaism and streamlining.


System name ID Version
ISOC Core System core 22.3 (new)
ISOC Database DB 9.11
ISOC FD Server application fdserver 3.8
ISOC Web web 8.6
Proposal Generation Tool PGT 14.0 (new)
Proposal Receiver PRV 14.0 (new)
Proposal Loader PLD 14.0 (new)
Mailer Daemon MLR 14.0 (new)
ISOC TAC Pages tac 8.0
Push Pull Daemon PPD 3.1
ISOC Observing Time Estimator ote 8.2
ISOC Target Visibility Predictor TVP 5.1
E-Aims eaims 10.0 (new)
ISOC LogBook logbook 1.0
Python Scripts pythonutils 2.0

External dependencies:

System name ID Version
Integral File Transfer System IFTS 2.0
Flight Dynamics Software FDS 2011.3i
Database of Observable Bins DBOB 120
Optical Monitoring Camera Pointing Software OMC 3.7
OMC Source Catalogue OMC_CAT 5
ED Viewer IODB IODB_3.1_0075

Implemented SCRs in core v22.3:


SCR 1727 Map Maker is not using high resolution with precomputed maps
SCR 1726 Need to add a NuSTAR coordinated time in PHS
SCR 1715 Create a Warning when we are approaching the deadline to send the planning files to MOC

Implemented SCRs in eaims v10.0:

SCR 1627 Possible to update observation data without having to close eaims session?
SCR 1419 Grouping scheduled observations isn't saved to configuration file
SCR 1684 Everything which is relevant must be saved to the Configuration file
SCR 1621 Useful/possible to create an extended (internal) LTP with planning tips for ISOC planners?
SCR 1672 internal html file with scheduling information
SCR 1700 Add RA and DEC to the Long Term Plan HTML
SCR 1623 Possible to implement a single button to save all the relevant files for a given planning
SCR 1625 Possible to generate a new html file without running eaims?
SCR 1694 Request for a json file with operational constraints compatible with the SOC/MOC calendar format

Implemented SCRs in PGT v14.0:


SCR 1714 Users introduce via PGT funny characters in the Operational Database.
SCR 1673 PGT to warn when coordinated flag is set but no XMM or Swift time is requested.
SCR 1718 PGT to include UNDEFINED coordinates.
SCR 1722 Add NuSTAR to possible satellites for coordinated observations in PGT