Software Release Note for ISOC version 11.2

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Mathijs Homminga []
Date: 20-10-2005
Summary: Unsplit functionality, Hex with COP, schedule notification, limit schedule time, many Starmap improvements


System name ID Version
ISOC Core System (PHS, OSS and CSS) core 11.2 (new)
ISOC Database DB 5.0 (new)
ISOC FD Server application fdserver 1.0 (new)
ISOC Web web 2.2
Proposal Generation Tool PGT 3.3.0
Proposal Receiver PRV 1.4.0
Proposal Loader PLD 3.2.0
Mailer Daemon MLR 1.2.0
Calculation Engine CLC 1.1.0
Push Pull Daemon PPD 1.2.0

External dependencies:

System name ID Version
Integral File Transfer System IFTS 2.0
Observation Time Estimator OTE 3.0.2
Target Visibility Predictor TVP 3.0.1
Flight Dynamics Software FDS 2.2i
Database of Observable Bins DBOB 76
Optical Monitoring Camera Pointing Software OMC 3.7
ED Viewer IODB 20.07.05

Fixed SPRs in core v11.2:


SPR 672 When there is not enough time left in the observation to do a complete 5x5 pattern, the 3x3 pattern is used. To implement this the concept of an 'end pattern' has been introduced. Which allows us to specify for each type of pattern another pattern which kicks in when there is not enough time left in the observation to complete a cycle of the normal pattern.
SPR 687 Fixed. OSS will look at all scheduled revolutions to determine if the warning should be displayed.
SPR 699 The [Select GCDE] button has been removed. If the user wants to see the list of points of a core survey pattern, he has to select the [Details] button of the pattern. The dwelltime is not recalculated when these details are viewed.


SPR 685 It is now possible to change the proposal title after a proposal has been created (either from scratch or as a result of copying).
SPR 697 Fixed. The OMC dependency is now setup correctly at installation time.

Implemented SCRs in core v11.2:


SCR 472 The galactic centre and the equatorial centre are now drawn on the sky display. The symbol used for both positions is a cross within a circle.
SCR 473 The sky display will now always show all points of static patterns (custom pointings and most core surveys), independend of the zoom level.
SCR 487 The axes of the sky display now remain visible and will be adjusted to the zoom level.
SCR 488 A label has been added which informs the user about the current coordinate system. Next to this label is a button which switches between the two coordinate systems (equatorial and galactic). The default coordinate system is equatorial.
SCR 490 The user can now select one of the following three visibility modes: valid perigee exit zones, observation constraints, valid perigee entry zones. Note that the valid perigee entry zones of revolution n are of course the same as the valid perigee exit zones of revolution n+1.
SCR 491 The user can now use his mouse to navigate on the sky display. There are four ways to control the zoomlevel with the mouse: by using the zoom buttons at the top-left of the sky display, by using the mouse scrollwheel, by using the zoom menu which pops up when right-clicking on the sky display or by dragging a zoom-area. The user can pick a new center of the sky display by double-clicking on a position.


SCR 337 When the user clicks on a pointing in OSS' sky display, the statusbar will show a short summary of this pointing/observation.
SCR 468 The OSS menu has a new menu item called 'Schedule notifications'. After selecting this, the user must enter a revolution number (range) and the system will generate a notification text for each PI who has one of its observations scheduled in the selected revolution(s). The user can then copy/paste this text into an email client or save it as a text file. (developer report)
SCR 492 The hexagonal pattern now uses a wandering center of pattern (COP). All observations (including scheduled ones) are effected. Note that the COP pattern for Hex is not the same as the one for (5x5) Raster patterns.
SCR 498 The 'selected observations' table in OSS now contains an extra column called 'Man. limit'. The user can edit this field (double-click on the field) to enter a manual time limit (in seconds) for an observation. This limit applies to the current scheduling session only and will not be stored into the database.


SCR 479 When a new proposal has been created or the proposal address has been modified, the system will store the fact that a new PAD is needed. Each time a user logs on to the system, he will be presented with a popup dialog telling him to create and send a new PAD for the affected AO. This popup will cease to appear when the new PAD has been created and sent.
SCR 502 An observation which is the result of splitting another observation can now be unsplit. Unsplitting an observation means: reject it and credit the time back to the original observation. The user can unsplit an observation in PHS by clicking the [Unsplit] button. Only approved (unscheduled) observations can be unsplit. PHS now also shows the ID of the split parent and/or split child of an observation (if applicable). Implication for OSS: an observation which has a split child can not be unscheduled. One has to unsplit the child observation first.