Software Release Note for ISOC version 11.0.0

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Mathijs Homminga []
Date: 13-07-2005
Summary: Custom raster and fix for SPR 674


System name ID Version
ISOC Core System (PHS, OSS and CSS) core 11.0.0 (new)
ISOC Database DB 4.2.0 (new)
ISOC Web web 2.0.1 (new)
Proposal Generation Tool PGT 3.3.0
Proposal Receiver PRV 1.4.0
Proposal Loader PLD 3.2.0
Mailer Daemon MLR 1.2.0
Calculation Engine CLC 1.1.0
Push Pull Daemon PPD 1.2.0

External dependencies:

System name ID Version
Integral File Transfer System IFTS 2.0
Observation Time Estimator OTE 3.0.2
Target Visibility Predictor TVP 3.0.1
Starmap Starmap 2.3.0
Flight Dynamics Software FDS 2.2i
Database of Observable Bins DBOB 76
Optical Monitoring Camera Pointing Software OMC 3.7
ED Viewer IODB 10.03.05

Implemented SCRs:

SCR 482 Erik Kuulkers has created /Summary/accepted and /Statistics/accepted directories

Implemented SCRs in core v11.0.0:


SCR 475 A new pattern type has been introduced: the custom raster (the existing pattern type custom has been renamed to custom poitings). This allows you to define a custom raster pattern for a certain observation.

Fixed SPRs in DB v4.2.0:

SPR 674 OSS uses a database view (v_schedulable_obs) to select the schedulable observations. This view has been updated to filter out validated observations.

Implemented SCRs in DB v4.2.0:

SCR 475 The datamodel has been extended to include the new custom raster functionality. Also, two proposals with one inital observation each have been created for the Galatic Centre surveys: one proposal for cycle 2 (0399921) and one for cycle 3 (0399931).