Software Release Note for ISOC version 10.6.0

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Mathijs Homminga []
Date: 20-09-2004
Summary: Custom pattern, new OSS selection screen and new version of OMC (3.7)


System name ID Version
ISOC Core System (PHS, OSS and CSS) core 10.6.0 (new)
ISOC Database DB 4.1.1 (new)
ISOC Web web 1.2.0 (new)
Proposal Generation Tool PGT 3.3.0
Proposal Receiver PRV 1.4.0
Proposal Loader PLD 3.2.0
Mailer Daemon MLR 1.2.0
Calculation Engine CLC 1.1.0
Push Pull Daemon PPD 1.1.0

External dependencies:

System name ID Version
Integral File Transfer System IFTS 2.0
Observation Time Estimator OTE 3.0.2
Target Visibility Predictor TVP 3.0.1
Starmap Starmap 2.3.0
Flight Dynamics Software FDS 2.2i
Database of Observable Bins DBOB 76
Optical Monitoring Camera Pointing Software OMC 3.7 (new)
ED Viewer IODB 19.04.04

Fixed SPRs in core v10.6.0:


SPR 611 Fixed
SPR 613 Fixed
SPR 614 Fixed
SPR 615 Fixed
SPR 622 Fixed
SPR 623 Fixed
SPR 624 Fixed


SPR 618 Fixed
SPR 612 Fixed

Implemented SCRs in core v10.6.0:


SCR 297 The OSS's Observation Selection screen has been completely redesigned. The screen shows two tables. The top one consists of those observations that are schedulable, i.e. those that have approved or scheduled status. The lower table consists of those observations that have been selected; it is always initialised with those fixed-time observations relevant for the chosen revolution. The filters on the left of the screen work in the same way as those on the PHS observation screen. N.B. The current DBOB filter is always initialised to a value of 30000 seconds (the previous default). This will filter out all GCDE observations if 0:0 is not visible! To show GCDE observations simply unset the DBOB filter - alternatively set the required GCDE observation to fixed-time, this will bypass all filters.


SCR 434 A new pattern is introduced, the 'Custom' pattern. The user is now able to create a pattern to its needs. The user must specify the order, the ra/dec, roll angel and dwell time for each point tin the pattern. The system can import a custom mad pattern by importing a space separated text file. The format of the file is: pointno ra dec roll angle dwelltime. The coordinats of the firt pointing are used in OSS to select the observation with visibility constraints.

Fixed SPRs in web v1.2.0:

SPR 625 Text has been updated

Other changes/comments: