ISOC Science Data Archive FAQ: tips on usage

This page is a compilation of tips on how to accomplish specific search or retrieval tasks through the Integral Science Archive (ISDA) user interface. This page assumes that the reader is already familiar with the Guided Tour of the ISOC Science Data Archive, which provides potential ISDA users with a brief primer introduction to the content and usage of the ISDA.

Clicking on a question will take you down the page to the answer. If you want to find the answer to another question, either scroll through the page manually, or use your browser Back button to return to the question list.

If you have any suggestions for items, which you deem interesting to be dealt with in this page, or if you need additional help, please do not hesitate to contact the Integral HelpDesk.

Q1. How do I search for a list of targets?
Q2. How can I create a file, containing observations and/or target names fulfilling a given search condition?
Q3. Is is possible to stop a query if I make a mistake?
Q4. Is it possible to submit batch queries, or queries using scripts?
Q5. Does the ISDA contain information on future scheduled observations?
Q6. I have forgotten the password of my ISDA account. What can I do?
Q7. The ISDA user interface tells me that I have "exceeded my quota". What can I do to get the data I want?
Q8. Can I retrieve my own proprietary data?
Q9. How do I get help on the ISDA?
Q10. How can I generate a list of SCW suitable for input to og_create

Q1. How do I search for a list of targets?

The ISDA user interface allows a user to search on a list of either targets names (according to either the NED, the SIMBAD name resolver, or the name as originally given by the observer) or target coordinates.

In order to search on a list of target names:

  1. go to the Query Specification panel (default when the ISDA applet is launched)
  2. select:
  3. write the file name (full path) in the File With Target List widget (the button Locate File besides the widget can be used to browse your local disk)
  4. click on Execute query
In order to search on a list of coordinates:
  1. go to the Query Specification panel (default when the ISDA applet is launched)
  2. select:
  3. write the file name (full path) in the File With Target List widget (the button Locate File besides the widget can be used to browse your local disk)
  4. click on Execute query
The file for a search on a target list shall contain one target name per line. The file for a search on a coordinate list shall contain one full set of coordinates per line. Several formats are allowed for equatorial coordinates: For ecliptic and galactic coordinates, inputs are expected in degrees (two numbers per line).

Q2. How can I create a file, containing a list of observations and/or target names fulfilling a given search condition?

First of all, you need to create the list of observations, fulfilling your search condition:

  1. go to the Query Specification panel (default when the ISDA applet is launched)
  2. define your query
  3. click on Execute query
This will lead you automatically to a new panel of the ISDA user interface (Latest Results), which will display the list of observations, matching your search criteria. If you want to create a file, listing the content of this panel, the only thing you need to do is:
  1. select "Save/Query Results" or Query Results (one-line-format) or Query Results (HTML-format)
The first two options produce an output in ASCII format. The layout of the former mirrors the ISDA user interface layout; the latter is a table-like list, where each row corresponds to one observation.

Q3. Is is possible to stop a query if I make a mistake?

Yes. The Query Specification panel contains the button Cancel Query (pale blue, top panel section below the Integral logo). Clicking this button will interrupt the ongoing query, and give back the full control of the ISDA user interface to the user.

Q4. Is it possible to submit batch queries or queries using scripts?

No. However, in the very near future this will be possible using the Archive InterOperability System (AIO). If you are interested in using this system, please contact the Integral HelpDesk.

Q5. Does the ISDA contain information on future scheduled observations

At present this information is not accessible via the ISDA. Please go to the ISOC home page> and look under the Target and Scheduling section.

Q6. I have forgotten the password of my ISDA account. What can I do?

Just contact the Integral HelpDesk. We will reset the password of your ISDA account to a dummy value, that we'll immediately communicate you. We recommend you to change the dummy password as soon as possible to a new value, following these steps:

  1. click on the button Login/Register in the start panel of the ISDA user interface applet
  2. click on Change your password
  3. fill the widget with the old (dummy) password and the new password of your choice
  4. click OK

Q7. The ISDA user interface tells me that I have "exceeded my quota". What can I do to get the data I want?

A quota (i.e. a maximum volume of data that can be retrieved within a given time interval by an ISDA account) is being imposed on data retrieval, only when the "shopping basket" retrieval functionality is used. Currently, the quota is set to 100 GBytes of data, so this is only likely to be a problem if you are copying data on a very large scale. The quota is refreshed every three days. The goal of the quota is to prevent users from requesting completely unrealistic amounts of data.
No quota is imposed on the "direct download" retrieve modality. Hence, if you have exceeded your quota, you have the choice among the following three possibilities:

Q8. Can I retrieve my own proprietary data?

No. Although this is possible for other ESA archives, e.g. XMM, this has not been enabled in the ISDA. PIs should request their proprietary data from the ISDC .

Q9. How do I get help on the ISDA?

There are two main source of on-line help on the ISDA

If everything else fails, you may consider to contact the Integral HelpDesk.

Q10. How can I generate a list of SCWs suitable for input to og_create?

On the "Latest Results" page select go to the pull-down menu "Print/Save" at the top left of teh screen. Then select "Save list of SCW for OSA". This will save a list of all the SCW records on the results page to a file in a format compatible with og_create.

[Last update: 07-Jul-2005 by Webmaster]