A guided tour of the ISOC Science Data Archive (ISDA)

This walkthrough is meant to guide observers new to the ISDA.

1. Starting the ISDA

From the ISDA homepage (http://integral.esac.esa.int/isda/) click on the Start the ISOC Science Data Archive (ISDA) Interface link, and then on the Start ISDA Browser button to start the archive browser. Starting may take up to several seconds, depending on the speed of the link, the speed of your computer etc. If you have any problems starting the archive, please click on the `Any problems running the applet?' section for help. Be reminded that for the ISDA to work, your browser has to be Java compliant, if not please install the latest Java2 following the instructions provided here. Java must be turned on, of course (you may have it disabled by default in your browser)!

2. Help! If you need somebody ...

In general, any box that lights up when your mouse goes over it can be clicked on to give help. Two lists of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are available at the ISDA home page. The former deals with solutions to common technical or installation problems. The latter offers step-by-step recipes to accomplish basic query and/or retrieval tasks. If you still feel lost, consider contacting the ISDA Helpdesk.

3. Logging in

Unless you don't intend to retrieve any data, it is advisable to login. To do this just click on the Login/Register button. A new screen appears, asking to enter your username. If you have already registered then enter your username and password. Note that only the first eight characters are recognized. The case is important only when entering the password.

You can then either click on the button Login & Proceed to go back to the screen you came from, or on Login & stay here to remain on this page and change your details/password.

If you haven't registered you can do it via the Register As New User button. This takes you to a screen where you may enter your details. We suggest to choose as username your initial followed by your last name (e.g. for Owen Williams enter: "OWILLIAM"). Confirmation of registration will be by e-mail, so you can ensure that your e-mail address is correct. If you make a mistake when entering anything you can press the Clear button at the bottom. If you want to exit this screen without doing anything, click on Cancel. These last two buttons have the same function in several ISDA panels.

4. Essential INTEGRAL Terminology

Dither Patterns

To make the best use of its coded mask instruments INTEGRAL normally performs a dither pattern around the source being observed. A number of dither patterns exist, including "5x5" and "Hex". If a dither pattern is not performed the satellite is said to be in "staring" mode.

Science Windows (SCW)

INTEGRAL data is divided up into SCWs by the initial processing software: typically there will be one SCW for data from each pointing in a dither pattern and also one SCW for data from each slew between the pointings. For many analysis purposes data can be selected by SCW without reference to the observation to which it belongs.

Observation Data Set (ODS)

An Observation Data Set (ODS) refers to a selected set of SCWs and to the output from one run of the standard analysis for one instrument performed on that set. At the moment there are two forms of ODS found in the archive: ones which contain only single SCWs (refereed to as an SS ODS) and ones which contain all the SCWs from a particular observation in a particular revolution (refered to as an SM ODS). Only IBIS and JEMX ODSs are currently found in the archive. For short observations contained in one revolution an SM ODS will cover the same time period as the observation, while for longer observations there will be several SM ODSs.

Note that the term ODS used in the ISDA is identical in concept to the term Observation Group (OG) used in the Offline Science Analysis (OSA) documentation. Experience has shown that the new user of INTEGRAL data often expects an OG to be a group of observations so we have avoided this term.

5. Searching data

You should now be on the `Query Specification' screen. Any box in white is where you can enter text or numbers except the top-right white box which indicates the status of the ongoing action. In the case of a query, for instance, it will change from Idle to Conducting Query to Generating List of Entries. If a name resolver is used, this box will indicate the coordinates of the searched (resolved) object(s).

The top-left narrow window indicates whether your archive browser is busy doing something. As long as the small blue box is moving, the archive browser is actually doing something. Please, note that any actions (e.g., a query) can be interrupted just by clicking on the, e.g., Cancel query button.

Any box in grey is a selection box - clicking on it changes your observation selection. At the top of the query specification screen there are three such boxes (See Fig.1):

Fig.1 - Top of the ISDA query specification screen.

The "Query specification" screen is dividend in 6 sub-panels in which the actual query is given.:

Whenever the option Any is selected in a selection box, the corresponding parameter is not used for the query. Similarly, parameters belonging to a closed panel are not used for a query.

6. Search result display

Let's try and search now for any observation you wish. For example, let's search for all the Integral observations of 3C 273. Type `3C 273' in the Name widget. Clicking on the button marked Execute Query starts the search.

Your applet will attempt now to contact Simbad to find out the position of the object called `3C 273'. When it gets its coordinates it searches the ISDA database for all observations around them, within a radius defined in the Radius box (by default 5 arcmin). Once the search is completed, in the results screen one record for each 3C 273 observation will appear.  By default 25 entries are listed per page. You can change the number of entries per page with the associated top-right button and use the Start of list, Previous,Next and End of list buttons at the bottom to navigate the observation list (or catalogue) pages.

With the ISDA, it is currently possible to create four types of catalogues as a result of a query:

You can switch from between the observation, ODS, and SCW catalogue to another using the selection menu in the catalogue screen (Observation, ODS, SCW; see Fig.8). The amount of information displayed in the catalogues can be as well selected, using the menu located close to these buttons. For example, in Fig 8 the user has choosen to display the Observation info and Instrument info information from the observation catalogue. The Refresh list button can be used at any moment to refresh the current catalogue. This would produce an observation list with the first four hits shown in Fig.9. Observation and exposure catalogues can be simultaneously shown in the same screen, as well as observation and ISDA source catalogues.

Fig.8 - Selection menu in the catalogue screen.

Fig.9 - Observation catalogue for 3C 273.

Observation, ODS and SCW catalogues can be simultaneously shown in the same screen. Fig. 10 shows an example of the output when we have chosen to display the Observation catalogue and SCW catalogue (with pointing information selected).

Fig.10 - Observation catalogue and SCW information for one 3C 273 observation in the catalogue.

Besides each record of an observation catalogue, seven additional buttons allow you to get additional information on the corresponding observation:

If you want to go and start another selection click on the Query Specification button at the top left.

7. INTEGRAL Visualisation Tool and Explorer (INVITE)

INVITE provides the user with a flexible tool to display INTEGRAL lightcurces, hardness ratios, spectra etc. It can be launched by right clinking with the mouse over the lightcurve icon in the source catalogue (see Fig 10a).

Fig.10a - ISDA observation and source catalogues.

The opening screen of INVITE is shown in Fig 10b. Full user documentation is available.

Fig.10b - Opening screen of INVITE

8. Options to retrieve data

You may follow either one of the following paths to retrieve data from the ISDA:
  1. Use the Retrieve button besides each observation (illustrated on Fig.9, Fig.10 and Fig.11) or ODS record (see Fig.11), or SCW (see Figs.10/11) for direct data download. This button activates directly an ftp session, downloading data products corresponding to that observation or exposure.

    Fig.11 - ISDA catalogue panel. The "direct download" button (Retrieve) is located besides each observation (white) or ODS (blue) or SCW (orange) record.

  2. Transfer the records of the observations/exposures/ISDA source catalogues, whose data you want to retrieve, into a "shopping basket". This method is envisaged for complex, multi-observation or multi-exposure retrieval requests. Once the shopping basket contains all the datasets you intend to retrieve, these can be transferred to a secure ftp area. Both the above methods allow the same retrieval options:

    8. Selecting data and moving it to the shopping basket

    To select data for retrieval just click on the little square to the left of each record of the catalogue, next to the Details button (the little square will appear now as a selected checkbox). and then click on Move selected to basket. The observation will disappear from the results screen. To see what's in your shopping basket, click the button at the top of the screen marked Shopping basket. You will see the text there turn from faint to dark grey and the text in the Latest Results button turn faint. The observations, ODSs or SCWs that you intended to move shall now have disappeared to the current panel and appeared in the shopping basket panel. To move between the shopping basket and the query results screen click on the above two buttons - a blue box just below the ISDA logo tells you where you are.

    It is possible to move to the shopping basket entire observations, ODSs, or indivdual SCWs. SCWs and ODSs pertaining to different observations can be freely selected and combined in the shopping basket. If you want to request ALL the observations that your query produced you can click on the Move All to Basket button. This will move all the observations into the Shopping Basket and it will also take you to the Shopping Basket so that you can make the request straight away.

    9. In the shopping basket

    The shopping basket contains the instantaneous list of all the observation, exposure and ISDA source catalogue records, whose data are available for you to retrieve. You can delete items from the shopping basket by clicking on the little box to the left of them and then clicking the Delete selected box in the upper right.

    When records corresponding to observation, exposure and ISDA source catalogues are simultaneously present in the shopping basket, the button Next in the top left corner allows you to select the type of products you want to retrieve for each level.

    A quota on the volume of retrievable observations per user exist if one employs the shopping basket as retrieval method. This quota is currently set to 2 GBytes per user. The quota is refreshed every three days. If you think you need an increase of your own quota, please do not hesitate to contact the ISDA Helpdesk, so that we can examine which is the best way to help you. No quota exist on the direct download (mechanism 1. above).

    When you are happy with your retrieval choice, you can retrieve the corresponding dataset(s) by clicking on the Submit Request button,

    10. Retrieval

    The last step prompts the overlay of the Request summary panel. In this panel the number of requested observations, the size of the dataset and the remaining quota are reported. You can go back to the Query specification or to the Latest Results screen if you want to change your query or shopping basket selection, respectively. You can choose to request calibration files and auxiliary data along with your science data. The retrieval option for auxiliary data is set to "yes" by default. You can also choose whether you prefer the PPS products as individual files (which can be browsed in the ftp area) or as a single tarfile (ODFs are always distributed as an individual gzipped tarfile). Confirm your request with the button at the bottom of the panel. A request ID (of the form "OWILLIAMXX") is shown. This means that the generation of the dataset has started. An e-mail will be sent to the request originator as soon as the data ara available on the ftp area for retrieval. An example of such an e-mail is shown below:
    Dear ISOC Science Data Archive User,

    Your retrieval request has been successfully processed.
    The data may be retrieved from the following address where
    they will remain for 3 days.

    Please follow the instructions below to access/browse the
    ftp area where your data are located:

    ftp isda.esac.esa.int
    <your email address as password>
    cd /pub/OWILLIAM236

    You can also access your files online from the browser at:
    where you will be able to see some of the products on-line.
    The final size of your request was 4476.758

    The list of files which have been copied is attached
    at the bottom of this message.

    You can get more information about the Integral project by
    accessing the Integral web pages from the following URL:


    If you have any questions, please cont act the Integral HelpDesk:


    Best Regards,

    The ISOC Science Data Archive team

    The following files have been copied:


    11. Other data needed for INTEGRAL Analysis

    When you have downloaded and unpacked data from the ISDA you will end up with a directory which looks as follows:
          aux        obs_isgri  obs_jmx    scw
    or if processed ODS data has not been included simply
          aux        scw
    In order to analyse this data you should then include (most conveniently by the creation of links) the three directories cat, ic and idx included in the OSA distribution. These contain essential catalogue and calibration information.

    12. Exiting

    Just click on the `File' menu at the top left of the applet and select Exit.
    Note that when you exit all selections will be lost. It may be
    advisable to keep the applet available, but minimized. Note that when you
    exit your Internet browser, or move the browser window from the page
    from which the applet was started, the applet will also vanish.

    Send your questions about the ISDA to the:
    ISDA HelpDesk