8th Announcement of Opportunity (AO-8)

This Announcement solicits proposals for observations to be carried out in the period from January to December 2011. Following a recommendation by the IUG it is possible to submit Key Programme proposals with observations spanning two AO cycles of observation; for details please see the Mission Overview document.

Observing proposals selected for AO-8 will subsequently be open for so-called "data right proposals" via a second Call for Proposals. These associated proposals allow the possibility to obtain data rights on point-like, extended sources or emission features contained in the field of view of accepted observing proposals.

AO-8 Milestones

Release of AO-8: Call for observing time proposals   15 March 2010
Deadline for submission of observing time proposals   23 April 2010 (14:00 CEST)
Meeting of the Time Allocation Committee (TAC)   1 - 3 June 2010
Release of AO-8: Call for data rights   30 August 2010
Deadline for submission of data rights proposals      8 October 2010 (14:00 CEST)
Meeting of the Time Allocation Committee   November 2010
Start AO-8 cycle of observation (duration 12 months)   01 January 2011

AO-8 Documentation

AO-8 Tools

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