Software Release Note for core version 12.0

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Paul Balm []
Date: 4-12-2006
Summary: Numerous Screws and SPR's


System name ID Version
ISOC Database DB 7.0

Fixed SPRs:


SPR 790 Amalgamation candidates would appear twice. This has been fixed.
SPR 798 The dwell-time of an observation would not be updated if the pattern was changed. A change of pattern now triggers a dwell-time recalculation.


SPR 746 The SPR and Screw submission web-pages have been modified, so that submission does not require a password anymore.

Implemented SCRs:


SCR 559 From this release on, it is possible in PGT to specify the energy properties for a source as either the properties of a band (old style, but with photon index added), or the properties of a line (line central energy and width). The source properties dialog has been modified to convey this information.
SCR 560 The approved time and the priority of an observation are now shown in the observation selection frame.
SCR 574 The proposal details screen now contains a pointing status panel. This panel indicates the point numbers of the pointings that are scheduled. It will flag to the user if one or more pointings have been scheduled more than once, or if the sequence of point numbers shows a gap. Clicking on a pointing will bring up a pop-up that lists the exposures in which the pointing was scheduled (should not be more than one). Each point number on the pattern has a status of either 'not scheduled', 'scheduled' or 'error' (more than once). Possible "overall statuses" are: 'ok' (no error pointings and no gaps), 'error: gap found' (gap in the list of scheduled point numbers), 'error' (one or more pointings scheduled more than once). A gap in the list of pointings has a deliberately loose definition: If you have only scheduled pointings 10 to 20, the list will be considered to have a gap, because pointings 0 to 10 were not scheduled.


SCR 546 A reference for the Flight Dynamics command-line tools was added to the SPR and Screw submission pages.
SCR 585 The "Install FD files" and "Import revno" buttons have been merged.