This is a monitor using data from Swift/BAT, MAXI and Fermi/GBM instruments.
Click on the table header to change the sorting behavior.
Color code for the probability: (rising flux , no change, decreasing flux)
The average flux is calculated as the average of the last 3 days of data, without taking the errors into account. The Fermi flux is not given in mCrab.
Please note that the accuracy of the probabilities is limited by the accuracy of the data used.
Release of Wednesday, the 30th of September 2015
Last updated at 01:17:27 UT
Created as an ESAC trainee project by Eva Laplace.
Supervisors: Peter Kretschmar, Emilio Salazar and Miguel Arregui.
See also the Black Hole X-ray Binaries Monitor .
The analysis is an algorithm computing a flux change parameter by calculating a "relative distance" of two measurements and weighting it according to the instrument used and the given error.