INTEGRAL's final call for Guest Observing time, AO-21, is open
AO21 is open and solicits proposals for observations to be carried out in 2024. The letter from ESA's Director of Science, inviting you to participate in the 21st Call for Proposals, is available here.
Since this is the last AO, proposals may compete for unique use of INTEGRAL capabilities*. We thus encourage clear arguments why only INTEGRAL can achieve the proposed science goals. Also encouraged are still new ideas from outside the INTEGRAL community. If there are doubts about feasibility, proposers are encouraged to consult the INTEGRAL Helpdesk.
*Examples of unique INTEGRAL capabilities are:
Some science examples are given in the brochure: INTEGRAL's final AO: Capabilities and Science Highlights
AO21 milestones follow in the table below:
Release of AO-21: Call for observing time proposals | 4 September 2023 |
Deadline for submission of observing time proposals | 29 September 2023 14:00 CEST |
Meeting of the Time Allocation Committee (TAC) | 24-26 October 2023 |
Start AO-21 cycle of observations | 1 January 2024 |
ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
Approximately 13 ESA Fellowships will be offered this year in Space Science, for a maximum of three years (two years + extension requiring a dedicated proposal).
For full call info visit: https://cosmos.esa.int/web/space-science-faculty/opportunities/research-fellowships
Application deadline: 18 September 2023.