Handing over to a new INTEGRAL Project Scientist
After many years of service as the INTEGRAL Project Scientist, Erik Kuulkers is handing over this responsibility to Jan-Uwe Ness who will start 1st September 2023.
Jan-Uwe has worked in a diverse range of research on numerical n-body simulations of interacting galaxies, the first discovery of X-ray emission of Saturn (see APoD March 12, 2004), high-resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Stellar Coronae, Classical and Recurrent Novae, and Super-Soft Sources. He has also gathered many years of experience in Science Operations. If you'd like to know more about Jan-Uwe, here is his CV and his full publication list (16 pages).
While all these activities do not include any research in hard X-ray gamma-ray astronomy, he is convinced his outside perspective can be important to be a better broker of interests. Also, the legacy archive needs to be accessible to astronomers not familiar with INTEGRAL data analysis, where his outside perspective will be of high value. Finally, he will have a good view of what could inspire new astronomers to join INTEGRAL (even in this late stage of its life time) with new ideas and maybe even new, innovative, proposals to the final AO21.
Jan-Uwe has prepared an 11-minute introduction speech with the script availabe.
In the speech, he does not only introduce himself but also asks for the support by the INTEGRAL community, especially:
- Submitting proposals to the upcoming AO21 focusing particularly on science that must be done before the end of science operations in December 2024
- Engaging in a research project of a different kind: find any new science cases that might be hidden outside the hard X-ray and gamma-ray community
- Provide some ideas on how to reach non-INTEGRAL astronomers, e.g., 'spoon-feed' the capabilities (without technical details) to them and invite them to write proposals together where they concentrate on the science and experienced INTEGRAL users provide inputs on feasibility, observing strategy and later data analysis.
INTEGRAL's final AO: Capabilities and Science Highlights
They hope you will use it to promote INTEGRAL beyond our community. It focuses on capabilities they may find inspiring and gives some (few!) examples of past achievements that could inspire new ideas. Note that these examples were not chosen by their scientific importance but their exemplary nature to demonstrate scientific capabilities potentially useful to research that has never been done with INTEGRAL before.
Please welcome Jan-Uwe in his new role and support him with your vast experience so the last year of INTEGRAL science operations plus two years of post-science operations result in a legacy that does INTEGRAL's great achievements justice.