INTEGRAL 2022 Conference program is now online
Celebrating 20 years of INTEGRAL Operations on 17 October 2022, we will use this opportunity to bring together key people from the early days of this ESA mission to share with us their experience that lead up to this successful mission, in addition to a science conference dedicated to high-energy astrophysics with INTEGRAL and other current and future missions. The conference is intended to be a face-to-face meeting, re-enabling the long-missed networking possibilities and direct informal exchange on scientific and operational topics, and providing a forum to highlight scientific achievements and shape the future of the scientific landscape enabling multi-messenger and high-energy astronomical research. The program is now available online at
Abstract submission for posters at the INTEGRAL 2022 Conference
Dear colleagues, if you still wish to present a poster at the INTEGRAL 2022 Conference, you can still submit your abstract from
Registration for the INTEGRAL 2022 Conference remains open
It is still possible to register and take part in the scientific conference. We are looking forward to seeing you. Further details can be found at
The deadline for the submission of proposals for AO-20 open time observations was on 1 April 2022, and all proposals are in the ISOC database. To allow the TAC to work under clear boundary conditions, the TAC meeting had to be postponed. It is now planned to take place from October 25 to 27, and the results will be made available as soon as possible afterwards.