INTEGRAL data help uncover the relationships between the magnetic reconnection and high-energy particles on the Sun
A paper by Kurt, Veronig, Fleishman et al. (2024) analyzed multi-messenger data,
including INTEGRAL hard X-ray emission, on one of the ever-strongest solar flares
that occurred on 2003-Oct-28. The study proves that the main energy release and
proton acceleration up to subrelativistic energies began just when the reconnection
rate was going through the maximum i.e., after a major change of the flare topology.
The figure displays observables of the 2003 October 28 flare. (a) Reconnection
flux derived in the positive (blue) and negative (red) domains (left Y-axis) and
the GOES 1—8 Å soft X-ray flux (black curve, right Y-axis). (b) Reconnection
rates — positive (blue) and negative (red). (c) Soft X-ray flux derivative,
Konus-Wind count rate at 16—69 keV (blue) and CORONAS-F/SPRN rate at 15—40 keV (red).
(d) Konus-Wind rate at 69--285 keV (blue) and CORONAS-F/SPRN rate at 40—100 keV (red).
(e) 15.4 GHz microwave emission flux (black). (f) INTEGRAL/SPI flux above 150 keV and
Konus-Wind rate at 285—1128 keV (blue). The early rise phase onset time
T0=10:58:30 UT and the main rise phase onset time T1=11:01:16 UT
are marked with black vertical lines. The red vertical line indicates the onset of
the main energy release phase, T2=11:03:40 UT, that ended at about
T3=11:10 UT. The INTEGRAL data show an excellent consistency with other data,
particularly, with the Konus-Wind data, which, taken together helped uncover the
relationships between the magnetic reconnection and high-energy particles on the Sun.
"Coupling between magnetic reconnection, energy release, and particle acceleration in the X17.2 2003 October 28 solar flare",
Kurt, V., Veronig, A., Fleishman, G., Hinterreiter, J., Tschernitz, J., Lysenko, A.,
A&A 686, A195 (2024),