INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month
August 2024

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INTEGRAL data help uncover the relationships between the magnetic reconnection and high-energy particles on the Sun

A paper by Kurt, Veronig, Fleishman et al. (2024) analyzed multi-messenger data, including INTEGRAL hard X-ray emission, on one of the ever-strongest solar flares that occurred on 2003-Oct-28. The study proves that the main energy release and proton acceleration up to subrelativistic energies began just when the reconnection rate was going through the maximum i.e., after a major change of the flare topology.

The figure displays observables of the 2003 October 28 flare. (a) Reconnection flux derived in the positive (blue) and negative (red) domains (left Y-axis) and the GOES 1—8 Å soft X-ray flux (black curve, right Y-axis). (b) Reconnection rates — positive (blue) and negative (red). (c) Soft X-ray flux derivative, Konus-Wind count rate at 16—69 keV (blue) and CORONAS-F/SPRN rate at 15—40 keV (red). (d) Konus-Wind rate at 69--285 keV (blue) and CORONAS-F/SPRN rate at 40—100 keV (red). (e) 15.4 GHz microwave emission flux (black). (f) INTEGRAL/SPI flux above 150 keV and Konus-Wind rate at 285—1128 keV (blue). The early rise phase onset time T0=10:58:30 UT and the main rise phase onset time T1=11:01:16 UT are marked with black vertical lines. The red vertical line indicates the onset of the main energy release phase, T2=11:03:40 UT, that ended at about T3=11:10 UT. The INTEGRAL data show an excellent consistency with other data, particularly, with the Konus-Wind data, which, taken together helped uncover the relationships between the magnetic reconnection and high-energy particles on the Sun.


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