INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month
November 2019

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INTEGRAL 17 years of operations: the Spacecraft Controller at MOC

INTEGRAL celebrated 17 years in space and successful operations on 17 October 2019. It was launched with a Proton rocket from Baikonur, Kazakhstan.

A spacecraft controller (SPACON) is responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient operations of a satellite. A team of 6 SPACONs is taking care of INTEGRAL, together with Gaia and XMM-Newton. An increasingly automated and reliable operations approach now allows one SPACON to control all three missions and maintain a very high level of mission performance. One SPACON is always present in the control centre at the Mission Operations Centre (MOC), located at ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany; the position has been permanently occupied 24/7 since 22nd October 2002.

The responsibilities of the SPACON include: A professional and dedicated SPACON team is fundamental to the success of INTEGRAL (as well as to the other ESA missions). The frequent fast reaction of the SPACON to unexpected events often ensures that they are addressed, before they even become a problem and go unnoticed by the outside world. The SPACON is one of the unsung heroes of the INTEGRAL team.

Although the operations of INTEGRAL have become more automated, the importance of the SPACON role has not diminished, as the spacecraft ages and passes repeatedly through the hostile Van Allen belts. Their careful monitoring and fast reaction will become more important than ever.

Photo credits: Richard Southworth, INTEGRAL Spacecraft Operations Manager, ESA/ESOC

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