INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month
May 2017

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The omni-directional sky seen by INTEGRAL

INTEGRAL's unique payload, comprised of a set of large and heavy detectors, allows it to detect the elusive weakly interacting low-energy gamma-ray photons from any direction of the sky at a given moment. Coupled with an exceptionally stable background owing to the elongated orbit mostly far from the Earth's violent magnetosphere, this makes it an ideal instrument to search for electromagnetic counterparts to sources of various impulsive transients, such as gravitational waves events (see also Gamma-ray observatory INTEGRAL reloaded, by E.P.J. van den Heuvel). Thanks to the large Field of View of its sensitive X-ray and gamma-ray detectors it may pinpoint and accurately characterize properties of any possible counterpart, if detected.

LIGO/Virgo trigger LVT151012 was of one the three binary black-hole merger events observed by LIGO in the first breakthrough scientific run of 2015/2016. Unlike the other two events (GW150914 and GW151226), LVT151012 had a slightly lower LIGO detection certainty: it had just over 90% change of being of astrophysical origin. If astrophysical, it corresponds to a merger of two black holes of 13 and 23 M, releasing gravitational wave radiation equivalent to rest energy of 1.5 M in a fraction of a second.

Gravitational wave event localizations provided by LIGO are still quite approximate, and the location of LVT151012 could only be limited to two very elongated arcs, spanning each over 60 degrees in the sky. Luckily, a large fraction of the LIGO localization of LVT151012 was in the Field of View of the most sensitive INTEGRAL instruments at the time of occurrence of the LIGO/Virgo event. This enabled to join JEM-X, IBIS, and SPI measurements together, in order to derive a high-sensitivity over more than 3 decades in photon energy: from 3 keV to 10 MeV.

Observation of the complete, extended, localization of LVT151012 could only be achieved by combining the complementary contributions of both the INTEGRAL high-energy detectors and their active shields, i.e., of SPI (including SPI-ACS), IBIS (ISGRI, PICsIT, and IBIS/Veto). This allowed to derive the most stringent upper limit in a truly all-sky observation, constraining the ratio of energy released in gamma-rays to the gravitational wave energy to less than 4.4e-5.


Credits:   Volodymyr Savchenko

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