INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month
September 2014

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The first 56Ni & 56Co radioactive decay gamma-ray lines seen from a Type Ia supernova

Supernovae (SNe) of Type Ia are used as "standard candles" in cosmology. A physical understanding of this type of explosion is not yet obtained. Several models are discussed for SNIa, all involving white dwarf stars. In all cases, nuclear fusion of carbon to heavy nuclei create a large mass of radio-active 56Ni. The decay of these radioactive nuclei create the energy that makes the SN shine for many months. The nuclear decay also produces gamma-ray lines, from the 56Ni decay chain through 56Co to 56Fe.

A new SN was detected in M82, the Cigar Galaxy, on January 21 (see top B/W image). It was identified as a type Ia SN and is referred to as SN2014J. At the distance of about 3.5 Mpc, this is the closest type-Ia SN discovered in the past 4 decades. Because of its proximity it is a unique event. INTEGRAL, the only observatory currently capable of doing high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy observed this SN almost exclusively from end of January to end of June, i.e., during the whole bright SN phase.

For the first time, INTEGRAL detected the 56Ni decay lines at 158 and 812 keV, some two weeks after the explosion, see the SPI hard X-ray/gamma-ray spectrum shown in lower left figure. The origin of the signal agrees within the measurement error with the position of the SN (indicated by the cross in the same figure). The early appearance of these gamma-ray lines has interesting implications for the early explosion stages.

The lower right figure shows the gamma-ray spectrum of the SN obtained by SPI (red points) over the period 50 - 100 days after the explosion. Clearly, also for the first time, the 56Co decay gamma-ray lines at 847 and 1238 keV are seen. Blue points show ISGRI/IBIS data for the same period. The flux below ~60 keV is dominated by the emission of M82 itself (as seen in 2013 during M82 observations with INTEGRAL, see the INTEGRAL POM July 2014). The black curve shows a fiducial model of the SN spectrum for day 75 after the explosion.

INTEGRAL thus, for the first time, confirms by direct measurement of the primary gamma-ray lines the 56Ni origins of SN light. The INTEGRAL measurements of this sufficiently-nearby SN provide a unique opportunity to compare the direct gamma-rays from the SN's energy source with the more-indirect other radiation. This will help astrophysicists to refine their models on how in fact these explosions do occur, because the explosion details affect how much new nuclei are created, and how they move and interact with the remainder of the exploding star. These observations constitute a reference in SNIa science, and thus an important scientific legacy for years to come.

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