INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month
December 2011

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The water maser in the INTEGRAL source IGR J16385-2057

In a search for 22-GHz water maser emission of a sample of AGN discovered by INTEGRAL/IBIS in the hard X-ray band, using the Green Bank Telescope, a luminous water maser has been detected in the galaxy IGR J16385-2057.

At optical wavelengths, the galaxy (z ~ 0.027) is morphologically classified as an elliptical galaxy and, spectroscopically, as a Narrow Line Seyfert 1. Indeed, the detection of 22-GHz water maser emission in IGR J16385-2057 is particulary relevant, since -so far- only a handful of elliptical galaxies has been detected in such a transition. Furthermore, the radio morphology of the galaxy shows two extended lobes of optically-thin synchrotron emission almost symmetrically bracketing a compact radio core associated with the optical body of the galaxy, thus seemingly resembling the structure of a radio galaxy. If this will be confirmed by the on-going radio follow up observations, IGRJ 16385-2057 would then represent one of the rare cases of radio galaxies hosting a water maser source.

The figure shows the NRAO VLA Sky Survey radio continuum map at 1.4 GHz (green contours) of IGRJ 16385-2057 overlayed onto a DSS optical image. The inset shows the water maser spectrum detected in the nucleus of IGR J16385-2057 with the Green Bank Telescope. The water maser emission is composed of a number of narrow features clustered in the proximity of the systemic velocity of the galaxy at about 8065 km/s (indicated by the vertical line segment).

Image Credits and Notes: Extragalactic Radioastronomy Group (ERG) - Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari. The picture has been produced with the collaboration of Matteo Murgia using the software "Synage++".

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