INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month
June 2005

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A new cosmic high energy accelerator from keV to TeV

INTEGRAL has discovered, using the IBIS instrument, a new gamma-ray source (IGR J18135-1751). This source is remarkable, since it coincides spatially with one of the ten objects which have been seen during the first survey at TeV energies of the inner part of the galaxy: HESS J1813-178. This source is a powerful ultra-high energy emitter in the 0.2-10 TeV range. The X-ray counterpart (AGPS273.4-17.8) of the INTEGRAL source has an absorbed spectrum and is thought to be either a pulsar wind nebula or a supernova remnant.

This picture shows the IBIS/ISGRI 20-100 keV image of IGR J18135-1751 as well as the position of HESS J1813-178 (green circle) and AGPS273.4-17.8 (white cross). The white spot on the left is the saturated image of the bright LMXB GX 13+1.

Credits: P. Ubertini (IASF Rome) et al. ( astro-ph/0505191)
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