INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month
August 2004

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The galactic plane in hard continuum X-rays

These images obtained with the SPI instrument onboard INTEGRAL show the galactic plane in hard continuum X-rays. They are made using Core Program data from the Galactic Centre Deep Exposure (GCDE) with a total exposure of 6.1 Ms, using the maximum entropy method. Coordinates are Galactic. At low energies known sources dominate, while at higher energies diffuse emission from the interstellar medium becomes evident. While previous experiments (e.g. OSSE) made scans of the diffuse emission, this is the first time that actual images of the diffuse continuum emission in hard X-rays of these energies have been made, thanks to the imaging capabilities of SPI.

Courtesy: A. Strong, MPE, Garching and SPI team.
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