INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month
July 2004

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The ISOC Team

The ISOC team was presented to the camera on May 14, 2004, on the road next to the ISOC "building" at ESTEC. Currently, the team is in phase "PM", i.e., it is in its pre-movement stage (to the European Space Astronomy Centre, ESAC, formerly known as VILSPA, Spain). Preparations for the move are well underway, and the team has to face a "graceful degradation" during the extended mission phase (currently at least up to 2008).

From left to right: Lars Hansson (ISOC Manager), Chris Winkler (Project Scientist), Erik Kuulkers (Operation Scientist), John Treloar (Software Engineer), Tim Lock (Software QA), Rudi Much (Deputy Project Scientist), Julian Sternberg (System Engineer), Integral model (scale 1:10), Paul Barr (Resident Astronomer), John Nolan (Operations Engineer), Frans Jacobs (Software Engineer), Astrid Orr (Operations Scientist) and Rees Williams (Software Engineer).

Holding the bear (not an ISOC mascotte) is Sophia. At the time the picture was taken Nigel Dean (Software Engineer) and Tim Oosterbroek (Operations Scientist), as well as Arvind Parmar (Mission Manager) were not present.

Photograph courtesy of Anneke van der Geest.

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