Developer's notes for SPR 772 Marnix Bindels, Mar 12 2007 Implementation of this SPR was taken as the opportunity to do away with the swing based reporting in favour of JasperReports based reporting. Three reports have been implementen PropAllSQL, PropSummarySQL and ObsAllSQL. What follows are some notes on the JR technolgy, the reports themselves and their integration in the ISOC System. Technology JasperReports (JR) can be downloaded at and other sourceforge like resources. For this 1st implementation version 1.3.1 has been used. The reports can be designed easily using the iReports GUI. The iReports GUI works under Linux, but has some peculiarities (and bugs). Most notably: when editing a static or database text field by double clicking on it, the text is not visible. You will be editing it though! And many more things like these. For the jasperforge forums and stuff, a login isoc_dev/dev4isoc has been setup. A similar account is setup for reporting the iReports bugs. Report Implementation The reports query the database directly. So they are based on an SQL query behind it. Bear this in mind when changing the tables. The query editor in iReport is a pain in copy-and-paste but the automatic field retrieval is kind of cool. The subreport feature has been used extensively. In the main report you reference a subreport, pass some parameters to it and the subreport will run its own query to construct the next few pages. Subreports are constructed without margins so that they can be placed anywhere on the page. Sometimes a report does not print, JR runs into an infinite loop until memeroy runs out. Even though all subreports have been tested and work in isolation. Just increase the band size and subreportelement in the main report until it starts working again... (I know... it's a pain) To print separate sections on new pages, introduce a new group-by band (on some "empty" expression) and stick a break element (floating!) near the bottom of the band. When the band is printed, it will start a new page for the section coming after it. I have been able to use our classes to format Ra and Dec, so interfacing to our code is pretty easy. JR Integration Only ISOC-core uses the reporting upto now. ReportDescriptor - interface The user interface component deals with one instance of class implementing the ReportDescriptor interface. It is supposed to give enough information to present some information to the GUI user on what's going to be reported and perhaps some user controlled layout parameters on one hand. On the other hand it should be suffuciently equipped to get JR going in actually procducing the report. Currently it's things like a description, the Report file and boolean switches the user may toggle to condense the reports. The descriptor typically knows what kind of objects to accept as a key and how to transfor such objects into a (number of) parameter(s) to limit the SQL query. JRControlDialog The main user interface. It takes a ReportDescriptor, adapts the GUI contents to what it finds in the descriptor and when the user clicks go, it produces a JR.Print using the FillManager which is then given to an Exporter. Form the application point of view, the app collects a descriptor, a list of keys that matches the descriptor and a database connection. With those, the JRControlDialog can be setup and the reporting is handled in a standard way after that. Using a SwingWorker, each member of the key list is used to produce a Print and export: it's either printed or exported as PDF. The dialog shows a progressbar wich indicates the index in the key list. The cancel button can be used to stop the printing. JRPortefolio This class is a placeholder for the descriptors of the three implemented reports. Use the static public members when configuring the JRControlDialog. Maven We chose to pre-compile the XML (jrxml) files into serialized reports. It loads a bit faster before reporting. The maven target compileJasperReports picks up resources/reports and builds .jasper files in classes/reports. It has been made a preGoal of the jar target, so they will be built in time when building a dist. I had some trouble with the XML reader: the target compileJapserReports would work fine, but when called in the preGoal phase of jar:jar no suitable XML parser could be found to cover the dynamic validation feature. By turning off xmlvalidation in the JR ant task, this problem was circumvented.