Software Release Note for eaims version 9.1.3

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Emilio Salazar []
Date: 22-09-2014
Summary: Few SPRs and SCREWs related with LTP for AO12

Fixed SPRs:

SPR 1619 Target visibilities are not correctly plot on eaims timeline
SPR 1618 Save configuration is not possible when eaims crashes
SPR 1496 Currently all the scheduled calibration observation are grouped under the name Crab, regardless the actual target

Implemented SCRs:

SCR 1489 Could statistics on proposal scheduled % be provided as an ascii file?
SCR 1624 html file to be generated with all the information to be displayed on the web
SCR 1646 Possible to display revolution number in eaims ltp visualization?
SCR 1645 Moved the grades file from fixed in the eaims distribution conf folder to a common location
SCR 1642 Swift coordinated time is not included in Eaims
SCR 1620 File config/ under eaims directory should be editable by user
SCR 1643 'Running tvp' gui persistently in the center of the screen
SCR 1647 GUI input boxes in overwrite mode