Software Release Note for PGT version 8.0

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Marnix Bindels [mbindels@sciops.esa.in1]
Date: 15/03/2010
Summary: New AO8 PGT version

Fixed SPRs:

SPR 0001076 Lists of email addresses need to be separated by a colon, and that is checked. Use of other separators is detected and the user will be warned.
SPR 0001052 Lists of addresses in acceptance message

Implemented SCRs:

SCR 0001068 This AO8 version of PGT allows PIs to propose observations and claim data rights on sources in the field of view, automatically leading to a subscription to receive the instrument data when the observations have been completed.
SCR 0001105 The source coordinate input fields in the observation and data rights panels accepted both HMS and decimal degrees.
SCR 0001106 Panel sizes and resizing behavior has been improved.