Software Release Note for PGT version 4.5

(click here for SRN history)

Author: Paul Balm []
Date: 11-10-2006
Summary: Final release for AO-05 KP

Fixed SPRs:

SPR 800 The coordinates in the listing of the source of Observations on the Summary panel (displayed just before submitting) was incorrect. This has been fixed.
SPR 801 When PGT is in the configuration for KP AO's, the checks on the proposal should be adapted. This has been implemented.
SPR 802 When saving a proposal and reloading it, the fractional seconds on the RA and Dec of a source on an observation are changed. This has been fixed (in isoc-util 1.12).

Implemented SCRs:

SCR 583 A number of small requests for changes have been received during the user testing of version 4.4 (such as textual modifications). These have been implemented.