Title: Multiwavelength observations of blazars detected by OSSE

Proposal ID: 0120283
Subject category: Extragalactic Object
Principal investigator: Watson
Institute: Leicester University


OSSE (onboard the CGRO satellite) was designed to detect gamma-rays in the 50keV to 10 MeV energy range, covering a similar energy band to INTEGRAL's IBIS and SPI instruments. OSSE detected seven blazars (3C 273, 3C 279, PKS 0528+134, CTA 102, 3C 454.3, H1517+65.6 and PKS 2155-304, providing crude spectra for these sources. OSSE-detected blazars therefore make excellent candidates for observation with INTEGRAL. They are known to be bright and highly variable at these energies, however their spectra are not well constrained especially with regard to observations performed contemporaneously at other wavelengths. It is proposed to monitor the seven OSSE-detected blazars for four exposures each (a total of between 40 and 160 kiloseconds per source). The exposures are divided into four parts in order to examine the time-related spectral variability properties of these sources. Simultaneous with the INTEGRAL observations we plan radio and optical-near infrared monitoring as well as optical spectroscopy in order to study the SEDs of these sources with unprecendented broadband coverage over an extended period and to constrain any relation between their line emission and continuum variability. The blazars to be observed with total exposure time per source are: 3C 273 (40ks); 3C 279 (80ks); PKS 0528+134 (160ks); CTA 102 (160ks); 3C 454.3 (100ks); H1517+65.6 (100ks) and PKS 2155-304 (100ks).