Title: Spectral observations of SS 433
Proposal ID: 0120281
Subject category: Compact Object
Principal investigator: Cherepaschuk
Institute: Sternberg Astronomical Institute
SS 433 is a galactic superaccreting binary with relativistic jets.
Previously performed numerous X-ray
observations of this source left main important topics
undiscovered. Neither the compact object type and
mass nor the jet acceleration mechanizm
is known.
We propose to obtain the hard X-ray and gamma spectrum
of SS 433 with INTEGRAL,
with attempt to trace the variation of the spectrum with precession phase and in
This hard emission might be produced in the lower region of the jet, according to most
of the jets.
The expected scientific output of the proposed observation is clarification of jet formation
and emission model, and possible putting more strict limits on the compact object nature.