Title: The Study of Evolution of Hard X-ray Emission from Aql X-1 During a Outburst

Proposal ID: 0120192
Subject category: Compact Object
Principal investigator: Molkov
Institute: Space Research Institute (IKI)


We propose to study in detail a hard X-ray emission from transient and burster Aql X-1. With a total ~300 ksec exposure in 6 observations during a full outburst (one observation with exposure of 50.4 ksec per five days after the begining of outburst) we plan to study the evolution of hard X-ray (IBIS and SPI energy band) spectrum. That will enable us to test the hypothesis about anti-correlation among hard and soft (JEM-X energy band) X-ray emission and answer on the questions about the nature of the hard X-ray emission (thermal-like Comptonization versus non-thermal impulsive acceleration) and do NS systems spectral properties compare with those of BH systems. And second task is investigation of X-ray bursts using timing and spectral capabilities of INTEGRAL telescopes.