Title: Studing known Soft X-ray Transients during the rising phase of the outbursts

Proposal ID: 0120168
Subject category: Compact Object
Principal investigator: Castro-Tirado
Institute: Consejo superior de Investigaciones Cientificas-CSIC


We request INTEGRAL follow-up observations of known SXTs as soon as the beginning of an optical outburst (that preceeds the X/gamma-ray outburst by few days) would have been detected. These observations are most essential in order to understand the underlying physics of these events. INTEGRAL provides and unique opportunity for comprehensively mapping out the rising phase of outbursts of SXTs in the 3 keV--2Mev band and in the optical range. This would provide detailed studies of the evolution in both spectral and temporal properties immediately following the onset of outbursts once detected by oiur optical monitoring on a regular basis at several bround-based observatories.