Title: The Hard X-Ray and Correlated Multifrequency Properties of the Blazar 3C 279
Proposal ID: 0120085
Subject category: Extragalactic Object
Principal investigator: Collmar
Institute: Max-Planck-Institute fuer Extraterrestrische Physik
We propose INTEGRAL observations of the prominent Gamma-Ray Blazar 3C 279 to determine its yet unknown
properties at hard X-ray energies (variability, spectrum), and correlate them to simultaneous multifrequency
measurements. This will increase our knowledge on the physical nature of the inverse-Compton emission of 3C
279 in particular, and might also reveal new insights in its overall emission scenario. Because the
observed radiation of 3C 279 is purely of non-thermal origin, we are studying jet physiscs and subsequently
the physics of particle acceleration by the proposed observations.