Title: Testing Relativistic Jet Models with INTEGRAL Observations of Spectral Variability in 3C 454.3, CTA102, and PKS 0528+134

Proposal ID: 0120066
Subject category: Extragalactic Object
Principal investigator: Dermer
Institute: Naval Research Laboratory


OSSE and COMPTEL observations of variability in 3C 454, CTA 102 and PKS 0528+134 have provided compelling evidence for relativistic bulk motion in blazars based upon gamma-gamma transparency arguments and the Elliot-Shapiro relation. We propose two separate 500 ks pointings of the high-latitude sources 3C 454.3 and CTA 102 (which are in the same field) to infer bulk outflow speeds and to test relativistic jet models. We also propose a 200 ks INTEGRAL ToO of a flaring state of PKS 0528+134 (l = 191.4^o, b = -11.0^o) triggered by a high flux level measured during the galactic plane scan. Spectral modeling of these data will be used to fit the luminosity dependence of the photon energy of the peak of the vF_v spectrum, and to determine if multiple Compton components are required to form the blazar gamma-ray spectrum observed with INTEGRAL.