Title: Broad-band spectroscopy of GRB prompt and early afterglow emission

Proposal ID: 0120044
Subject category: Others
Principal investigator: Sazonov
Institute: Space Research Institute


INTEGRAL has a number of advantages for studying GRBs. These include high sensitivity, wide field of view, very broad energy band, stable background, concurrent X-ray monitoring. It is estimated that a few tens of GRBs per year can occur within the FOVs of the main instruments. The brighter of them can be used for time-resolved spectral analysis of the GRB emission. We request INTEGRAL data for one GRB occuring within the FOV of either IBIS or SPI (or both), with peak flux above 0.5 ph/s/cm2. We need the burst and after-burst data (covering the first hour or longer after burst start), including those from the Optical Monitor, if any. To the spectra obtained during the main event and after the burst different theoretical models of the GRB fireball will be applied, and key physical parameters extracted. In particular, the transition from the stage of prompt emission to the afterglow one will be explored.