Title: Adding INTEGRAL to the 3rd Interplanetary Network of GRB Detectors

Proposal ID: 0120013
Subject category: Others
Principal investigator: Hurley
Institute: UC Berkeley


The SPI anticoincidence shield (ACS) has been modified to record data on cosmic gamma-ray bursts. When INTEGRAL is launched in 2002, it will be the largest GRB detector in orbit; it should detect up to 280 bursts/year. Here we propose to integrate the ACS into the Third Interplanetary Network of GRB detectors, which in the AO-1 period will consist of Ulysses, Mars Odyssey '01, HETE-II, Konus-Wind, and possibly BeppoSAX. We show that this network can produce error boxes as small as 10 square arcminutes with delays of 10 hours or more. We will circulate location, time history, peak flux, and fluence information on every burst to the wide astronomical community by means of Global Coordinates Network circulars and the Integral Burst Alert Service.