Accessing the ISDA using your machines java runtime environment
This README explains how to run the ISDA applet using your machine java runtime environment.

  1. Download our JAR file (ISDA.JAR) with the following link, and store it somewhere on your disk;

    Download ISDA.JAR

  2. Then to run the applet you can either;
        (<installation_directory> is the directory where you have put the ISDA.jar file)

    1. Do the following;

      java -jar <installation_directory>/ISDA.jar

      You may also "double click" on the ISDA.jar if you have Java 2 installed.

    2. Or you can use the java interpreter. There are several ways to do this, but you have to do something like;

      setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/java  (or wherever your jdk is installed)
      java -classpath <installation_directory>/ISDA.jar ISDA

      If you are using a http proxy and you are getting an error similar to "" when executing the previous commands try to run IDA like;

      java -Dhttp.proxyHost=<xxx> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<yyy> -classpath <installation_directory>/ISDA.jar ISDA

      where <xxx> is the name of your http proxy host and <yyy> is its port number.