CONS data are made available from the ISDC data distribution area with a delay of typically a few weeks after acquisition by the satellite. The data from a public observation, in particular of long programmes, may accumulate over many revolutions. In order to provide the data faster, the ISDC incrementally distributes the data for each revolution. Please download the data regularly because they will stay in the FTP area for a maximum of 4 weeks. You can download the dataset using the following command : rsync -lrtv CONS_public In order to download the data in smaller parts, e.g., revolution by revolution, you can use the following commands (in this case, the directories CONS_public/scw and CONS_public/aux must already exist) : rsync -lrtv CONS_public/scw/RRRR and rsync -lrtv CONS_public/aux where RRRR (4 digits) are the numbers of the relevant revolutions. The dataset will grow as more data will be ingested into the ISDC Scientific Data Archive. To obtain the latest data you will need to re-run the command above. As the dataset might be growing and changing while running the rsync command, you may see some error messages. Re-running the rsync command will fix the temporary inconsistency. For further questions please contact the INTEGRAL help-desk at : ------------------------------