
1. The complete list of sources on the left of the main page is the list of high-energy sources known to be in the IBIS/ISGRI Field of View (FoV) during the Galactic Bulge monitoring observations. Note that the JEM-X field of view only covers approximately 10% of the area of sky visible by IBIS/ISGRI;

2. Results will be provided only for the sources that have been detected in our analysis. Missing plots/files mean "no detection";

3. The Off-Line Scientific Analysis software, OSA 10.1, has been used for the analysis;

4. The error bars shown in the lightcurve plots are errors at 1 sigma;

5. When two JEM-X units are active the light curves include both units separately. However, the count rates between the two can differ significantly.

6. For completeness, we give the command lines used to extract our results:


Two steps are used for the ScW and mosaic levels:
ibis_science_analysis ogDOL="og_ibis.fits[1]" /
 startLevel="COR" endLevel="IMA" CAT_refCat="$REP_BASE_PROD/bulge_cat.fits[1]" /
 IBIS_II_ChanNum=2 IBIS_II_E_band_min="18 40" IBIS_II_E_band_max="40 100" /
 SWITCH_disablePICsIT="yes"  OBS1_SearchMode=3 /
 OBS1_MinNewSouSnr=6 OBS1_SouFit=1 OBS1_DoPart2=0 /
 IC_Group="${REP_BASE_PROD}/idx/ic/ic_master_file.fits[1]" /
 brSrcDOL="${REP_BASE_PROD}/bkg_src.fits" SCW1_BKG_I_method_cor=1 /
The file bulge_cat.fits contains all high-energy sources which are monitored in the program. The file bkg_src.fits contains positions of bright sources 4U 1700-377 and OAO 1657-415.

The light curves are derived from isgr_sky_res.fits file of each ScW.

The mosaic step is run separately:
ibis_science_analysis ogDOL="og_ibis.fits[1]" startLevel="IMA" endLevel="IMA" /
 CAT_refCat="$REP_BASE_PROD/bulge_cat.fits[1]" IBIS_II_ChanNum=2 /
 IBIS_II_E_band_min="18 40" IBIS_II_E_band_max="40 100"  /
 SWITCH_disablePICsIT="yes"  OBS1_SearchMode=2 OBS1_ToSearch=50 /
 OBS1_MinCatSouSnr=3 OBS1_MinNewSouSnr=6 OBS1_DoPart2=2 OBS1_PixSpread=1 /
 IBIS_NoisyDetMethod=1IC_Group="${REP_BASE_PROD}/idx/ic/ic_master_file.fits[1]" /
 brSrcDOL=\"${REP_BASE_PROD}/bkg_src.fits\" SCW1_BKG_I_method_cor=1 SCW1_BKG_I_isgrBkgDol=""
The mosaic images are taken from isgri_mosa_ima.fits and the mosaic source count rates are from isgri_mosa_res.fits.

jemx_science_analysis startLevel="COR" endLevel="IMA2" jemxNum=1 skipLevels="SPE, BIN_S" /
 nChanBins=2 chanLow="46 129" chanHigh="128 196" CAT_I_refCat="$REP_BASE_PROD/bulge_cat.fits" /
 IC_Group="${REP_BASE_PROD}/idx/ic/ic_master_file.fits[1]" /
For the remaining parameters, the default values are used. JEM-X needs to be updated.