INTEGRAL Galactic bulge Monitoring

Revolution 1141: Observation start 2015-05-02T02:32 = MJD 55974.755
Total Observation GTI = 12950 seconds


No IBIS/ISGRI data available.


1141_jemx_mosa1.jpg 1141_jemx_mosa2.jpg

JEM-X1+2 combined significance mosaic images. Left: 3-10 keV. Right: 10-25 keV.

Sources labelled were detected in the 3-10 keV image > 6σ. The sources detected above 3σ in the 3-10 keV and/or 10-25 keV band are listed in the table below. Fluxes are extracted at the known catalogue position of the source (i.e. no fitting of the source position is done), with mosaic_spec, in two bands: A = 3-10 keV (1 Crab ~ 97 cps [J1], 103 cps [J2]); B = 10-25 keV (1 Crab ~ 29 cps [J1], 27 cps [J2]).
NOTES: The object marked as SLX 1744-299_300 is used to indicate two low-mass x-ray binaries separated by 2.7 arcminutes, SLX 1744-299 and SLX 1744-300; the position for SLX 1744-299 is used, although it can not be ruled out that SLX 1744-300 may dominate the emission some of the time. The systematic noise increases towards the edge of the field of view and in the vicinity of very bright sources, such as GX 5-1; NEW SOURCEs < 6σ towards the border of the image and/or near GX 5-1 may, therefore, be spurious.

JEM-X1+2 Detected Sources in 3-10 keV (A) and 10-25 keV (B).

Source Name             RA       dec      l        b     A(cps)  +/-   sig  B(cps)  +/-   sig  
==================== ========  ======= ======== ======== ====== ===== ===== ====== ===== =====
1A 1742-294           266.525  -29.506  359.568   -0.386    5.7  0.22  25.5    0.9  0.13   7.1
1E 1740.7-2942        265.978  -29.745  359.116   -0.106    1.4  0.20   6.8    0.9  0.13   7.1
1E 1743.1-2843        266.587  -28.729    0.260   -0.029    1.6  0.22   7.2    0.5  0.13   3.8
4U 1722-30            261.888  -30.802  356.320   +2.298    1.9  0.31   6.2    0.7  0.22   3.0
GRS 1741.9-2853       266.260  -28.914  359.953   +0.120    0.7  0.21   3.3    0.0  0.00   0.0
GX 3+1                266.983  -26.565    2.292   +0.793   58.7  0.41 142.4    5.9  0.20  29.4
GX 354-0              262.994  -33.830  354.309   -0.151   17.6  0.59  30.0    3.2  0.43   7.3
GX 5-1                270.282  -25.073    5.081   -1.014  111.0  1.76  63.1   16.8  0.87  19.4
SLX 1744-299_300      266.858  -29.999  359.297   -0.889    1.1  0.22   4.9    0.3  0.14   2.2
NEW SOURCE            270.081  -27.315    3.044   -1.968    2.5  0.62   4.0    0.0  0.00   0.0
NEW SOURCE            264.993  -24.061    3.487   +3.636    3.5  0.81   4.3    0.5  0.48   1.1
KS 1741-293           266.202  -29.327  359.574   -0.053    0.7  0.21   3.3    0.4  0.13   3.0

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