Proposal Details - 0920017
Hard X-ray photometry and spectroscopy of SS433 by INTEGRAL (Cherepashchuk)

Proposal Abstract

A fixed-time (440 ks) INTEGRAL observation is proposed of the unique galactic microquasar SS433, around one orbital hard-X-ray eclipses near the face-on disk precessional phase of the source, to be done either in March 2012 or September 2012. AO9 observations allows to see two consecutive precessional maxima within the visibility constraints of INTEGRAL. The main scientific goal of these observations is to investigate the shape of the primary orbital ecliplse and make hard X-ray spectroscopy of the source during the primary eclispe ingress/egress to answer the principal questions: 1) Does the unusual broad form of the primary eclipse observed in May 2007 and November 2010 reflect the peculiar structure of gas flows? 2) Can the hard X-ray emission be produced in the wind collision region? Adding new hard X-ray light curves of the primary eclipse near the precessional maximum will significantly improve upon the geometrical model of the source and the binary system parameters.

Observation Strategy (Recommended by TAC)

Total of 440 ks (2 INTEGRAL revolutions) in the standard 5x5 dithering mode centered on RA, Dec = 287.957, 4.983 (l, b = 39.694, -2.245). SS 433 will be observed at specific times: the observations will be centered around the primary orbital eclipses in two consecutive precessional maxima of SS433 (either at the end of March 2012 or middle of September 2012).

Proposal grade: C

Data Rights (Recommended by TAC)

The TAC granted data rights for SS 433

Consult the Data Rights policy for more information on Russian Federation proposals.

Exposure Map

The exposure maps are in galactic coordinates using the Aitoff projection and units of seconds, and the colour scale is indicated at the bottom. The green lines provide the 100, 300 and 500 ksec contour.

Exposure Map