Proposal Details - 0820036
INTEGRAL Observations of Extragalactic Jets from the TANAMI Sample (Kadler)
Proposal Summary (based on proposal abstract)
A Key Program is proposed to study a list of hard X-ray detected extragalactic jets from the TANAMI sample in coordination with radio Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), gamma-ray Fermi/LAT, and optical/UV/soft-X-ray Swift observations. The proposed target field contains 2 TANAMI sources, which are known to be bright hard X-ray emitters from the Swift/BAT survey. Of the TANAMI sources only Cen A has previously been observed with INTEGRAL and multiwavelength techniques. For the other objects, one will measure the spectral energy distribution (SED) of these sources for the first time with quasi-simultaneous data from the radio band to gamma-ray energies and will produce the first high-SNR hard X-ray spectra during well-determined states of the radio jets.
Observation Strategy (Recommended by TAC)
Total of 800 ks in the standard 5x5 dithering mode centered on RA, Dec = 327.981, -30.465 (l, b = 17.077, -50.785).
Proposal grade: C
Data Rights (Recommended by TAC)
The TAC has allocated the following specific data rights to this proposal: PKS B2149-307 and PKS B2155-304.
Exposure Map
Exposure maps are in units of s and shown using Galactic coordinates. The intensity scale is given by the colourbar, and there are contour levels at 100, 300 and 500 ks.