Proposal Details - 1120021
INTEGRAL observations of HESSJ0632+057 (Bordas)
Proposal Abstract
INTEGRAL/IBIS observations are requested to explore the hard X-ray emission produced in HESS J0632+057. The source is known to display variable TeV, soft X-ray and non-thermal radio emission, and has been recently proposed to be a new member of the rare TeV binaries group. HESS J0632+057 is the only gamma-ray binary not detected by INTEGRAL so far. The hard X-ray behaviour of HESS J0632+057 will be put in context with the TeV data obtained by the H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS collaborations, who recently reported increased TeV activity from the source. The INTEGRAL observations, both through a proper detection or improving the current upper limits, are crucial to characterize the hard X-ray peak in the source spectral energy distribution. In addition, the origin of a secondary component present in the source soft X-ray phase-folded light curve will be explored. Its existence heavily challenges pulsar wind-wind interaction as well as accretion scenarios, and may be the first proof that a largely unkwnown mechanism is indeed powering HESS J0632+057 and similar TeV binaries.
Observation Strategy (Recommended by TAC)
Total of 1.4 Ms during orbital phases 0.5-0.9, using a standard 5x5 dither pattern centered at RA, Dec (J2000.0, in degrees) = 98.247, 5.800 (l,b = 205.667, -1.440 degrees).
Proposal grade: C
Data Rights (Recommended by TAC)
Data rights were granted for HESS J0632+057.
Exposure Map
The exposure maps are in galactic coordinates using the Aitoff projection and units of seconds, and the colour scale is indicated at the bottom. The green lines provide the 100, 300 and 500 ksec contour.