Proposal Details - 1020029
Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A (part III) (Grebenev)
Proposal Abstract
We propose an additional deep 3.0 Msec exposure of the Large Magellanic Cloud in order 1). to confidently detect and precisely measure the flux from SN 1987A in the direct-escape lines of radioactive Ti-44 (lines at 67.9, 78.4 and 511 keV), 2). to study possible hard X-ray emission produced by cosmic-rays accelerated in the ejecta blast wave interacting with the ``inner equatorial ring'' of circumstellar material of SNR 1987A, 3) to search for hard emission from the stellar remnant of this supernova (or significantly improve the existing upper limit). This proposal is a continuation of our proposals approved by TAC in AO-7 (for observations with a 2.0 Msec exposure) and AO-8 (for observations with a 1.5 Msec exposure). If the additional 3.0 Msec observations of the region will be carried out in AO-9 the total exposure for SN1987A will be increased till 9 Msec - by a factor of 2 relatively the presently available one - that will allow INTEGRAL to confidently detect the Ti-44 radioactive lines. In addition to the above (main) purposes of the proposals, we will try to detect an electron-positron annihilation line from the dark bulge of the LMC (testing the hypothesis that the line can be produced in the LMC and in the Galactic center by dark matter annihilation). The deep observation of the LMC will also allow ones to monitor X-ray variability of a number of compact X-ray sources present in the field and search for new X-ray transients and weak sources. This observation makes the best use of the unique INTEGRAL capabilities and undoubtedly is the most efficient investment of its precious observing time.
Observation Strategy (Recommended by TAC)
Total of 3 Ms in the standard 5x5 dithering mode, centered on RA, Dec (J2000.0, in degrees) = 83.867, -69.270, (l,b= 279.703, -31.937 degrees).
Proposal grade: C
Data Rights (Recommended by TAC)
Data rights were granted for SN 1987A and the analysis of diffuse 511 keV emission.
Consult the Data Rights policy for more information on Russian Federation proposals.
Exposure Map
The exposure maps are in galactic coordinates using the Aitoff projection and units of seconds, and the colour scale is indicated at the bottom. The green lines provide the 50, 200, 350, 500 and 650 ksec contour.